I'm wondering: Is the essence of me captured by this list? While I ponder, here are more entertaining facts and anecdotes to enlighten you on the subject of
81. Just after I met Mr. C (who, by the way has lovely Mediterranean coloring), I was dining with friends at our favorite Chinese restaurant to catch them up on the details of my newly-complicated life. We cracked open our fortune cookies and mine contained the followin
g prescient message: "Two proposals soon to come. The darker one loves you best." My friends gasped. I cried. I still have that tiny slip of paper.

82. I once spent a couple of days with
Rachel Hunter and Annette Roque (later Mrs. Matt Lauer) and others on location for a photo shoot with my daughter ClayB, who lucked into a job with top models as a ten year old. Rachel asked me for parenting advice and chatted with Rod Stewart on the phone. Annette romped and played with my daughter, and they all ended up on the cover of the Saks Fifth Avenue catalog. All in all, a pretty cool experience.

83. Unlike most women of my acquaintance, I do not have a compulsion to collect sterling silver flatware, fine china or crystal. When I break a plate, I run up to World Market and buy another one. And there is no polishing. Simple.
84. I have appeared in the published memoirs of two people.
85. Every Sunday, I stew chicken with vegetabl

es and brown rice in sufficient quantity to feed my three dogs for one week. They no longer have skin or coat problems and they sure do enjoy their chicken dinners.
86. I have received complaints from faithful readers that too many of my posts are about things that annoy me. I apologize for any over-negativity. So here's something nice: I love it when......uh......hmm....let's see......I'll get back to you on that one.